博客來網路書店歡迎您 博客來-Bad Cat- 244 Not-So-Pretty Kitties And Cats Gone Bad暢銷書推薦;2013線上遊戲online排行榜最新線上遊戲排行榜2013 巴哈
《冒險契約》是一款橫向 ARPG 網頁遊戲,結合可愛、冒險、輕鬆玩的概念而成,以西方魔幻世界為背景。
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博客來-Bad Cat: 244 Not-So-Pretty Kitties And Cats Gone Bad博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010309166
Not since Kliban has there been a cat book this edgy. Edgy as in Bosco, the demonic Siamese with the out-of-focus eyes, razor-sharp fangs, and his own idea of Feng Shui. Or the half-shaved freak named Mr. Fliegel, who looks like a cross between a poodle and a lion. Mr. Fliegel shrugs and says, "Chicks dig me." Or Kato, resplendent in his Three Musketeers outfit: "One for all, blah blah blah . . . now just get me out of this @#%&ing costume!" Or Clark, whose hobby is eating other cats' food. Tina, who somehow always just misses the litter box . . . sucker. And the guilty-looking Clarence, caught with a Barbie doll in flagrante delicto. Clarence's defiant defense: "She was naked when I came in. . . ."
Just as Kliban got us to think about the cat as something far more interesting than an innocuous house pet, and Suzy Becker taught us that cats possess a Buddha-like wisdom (together Cat and All I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat have more than 2.6 million copies in print), Jim Edgar reveals yet another facet of the ever-mesmerizing animal. Brooding, deranged, antisocial, these are kitties with attitude and borderline personality problems--ah, but what hilarious fun it is to read about them. All 244 photographed in terrifying full color in their most unflattering moments, with a quote plus vital stats: name, breed, age, and hobby. Get to know them. Then see if you can ever forget them.
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